Intel's Atom Chips to Support Windows 7 This Year

| Sunday, April 12, 2009

The plans of Intel to make sure all its popular microprocessors of atom support at least two versions of Microsoft 'new of the operating system of S (OS), Windows 7, in second half of this year.

The chipmaker will establish the support of the starter and the basic editions of Windows 7 in atom, Anand Chandrasekher, Intel 'head of S ultra of mobility indicated to the forum of realizer of Intel (inking film) in Beijing Wednesday.

Intel designed microprocessors of atom for the mobile devices such as the netbooks, which are the miniature laptops, as well as the small ones, held in the hand computers that it calls the mobile devices of Internet (MIDS).

The pieces will also support the newest version of the OS of Linux that Intel developed for small devices, Moblin v2.0. Alpha version of Moblin v2.0 is already available on the Web site of

Microsoft 'house and Windows Vista of S Windows Xp basic will continue to be constant by microprocessors of Atom in second half, Intel indicated.


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