All You Need to Know About Intel's Santa Rosa

| Sunday, April 26, 2009

Santa Rosa is the code name given to the platform of fourth generation of book of Intel Centrino. Intel officially revealed the new platform for books on May 9, 2007. The launching of Santa Rosa was identified by the great expectancy, the surprise and a part delays, but she promised a better execution more than anything else. Right of the first platform of Centrino presented by Intel in the year 2003, the company had always unrolled the new processors, the chipsets, the possibilities of network management and other devices which aim at improving the experiment of mobile calculation. If the history is something to go close, Santa Rosa will deliver the same thing, once again. But how much good it obtains? How Santa Rosa is an improvement in the current books of generation? All it and much more will be the matter of the discussion during this article. Since the books based on this new platform starting from various manufacturers just started to take the market by the storm, is now the good hour to make a pause and to include/understand Santa Rosa better.

The needs in the components for always stigmatizing Centrino remain the same ones. So that a book qualifies like Centrino, it requires the inclusion of all the Intel marked of the components like the central processing unit of treatment, the tiddlywinks and the adaptor without wire. If any component out of the latter is replaced by produced thirds, the doesn of book 't qualifies to be called Centrino, according to standards of Intel. While this can resound a little narcissistic, in terms of calculation - that made better than the evil. It brings the narrow association of the components which are made function the ones with the others, reducing of this fact of the complications and while helping develop a platform better rather than only products.

Now that we the 'VE better Centrino included/understood like platform, we can continue the discussion about Santa Rosa and what it brings to the table wanders. books!

Santa Rosa dissected

Just a few weeks before launching, Intel announced its plans to classify the platform of Santa Rosa in two shares. Supported with a strategy marketing succeeded, Intel segmented the hot marking of Centrino de Santa Rosa in two distinct names - Centrino Duo and Centrino pro. While the requirements in material for both the marks remain the same ones, these divisions were created to improve the costume the customer requirements.

The Centrino Duo calls upon the average consumer while Centrino pro is the professionals concerned of businesses. Basically, pro devices Intel 'of Centrino technology of vPro of S of the desktop machines in addition to the general quality of Santa Rosa. the technology of vPro brings better possibilities of management and network management like Intel 'management active of S, virtualisation and technologies of confidence of execution in the books. Consequently, the pro books of Centrino authorize interfaces manager to control systems using the lan without wire independently of their state of power or the health of the system.

The mobile technology of Centrino Duo will make just very well for the domestic users, the students and the small offices in general. Centrino pro could be more enormous for the professionals of businesses seeking additional safety and the best management of the systems managed in network.

Components of Santa Rosa

The key components of Intel 's Santa Rosa will be discussed one. Each one of them improvements of sport to the present generation.

1. Central processing unit of treatment:

The heart of the of Santa Rosa of platform must be the mobile processors of duet of core 2 of second generation. Those comprise a faster speed of 800MHz FSB compared with 667MHz of the preceding duets of core 2 of generation. They are still able of calculation 64-bit. The new duets of core 2 for the platform of Santa Rosa are also based on the manufacturing process 65nm like older processors of duet of core 2. The faster assistances speed of FSB improve the execution of central processing unit of treatment and reach the higher frequencies of clock.

Another improvement with processors of duet of core 2 of Santa Rosa 'of S is the introduction of the technology of SpeedStep for the speed of FSB. Now, the processors are able to bring back the frequency of FSB to half (400MHz) under less load or while on the battery. The new processors of duet of core 2 comprise 2MB or 4MB L2 hiding-place and assert increased major technology stage. The characteristics of the new processors are tabul�es below. The model names are based on the nomenclature of T/L 7x00.

Duet of core 2














Seal L2







The frequency of clock







On the frequency of clock of battery







Frequency of FSB







TDP (power)







Pricing/1000 units







Components of Santa Rosa, continuous part

2. Tiddlywinks

New chipsets GM965 and mobile PM965 purposely of Intel is added to the processors of duet of core 2 of 800MHz FSB. Tiddlywinks 965 express mobile comprise DDR2 the memory with dual channel, the bus of system of 800/533 megahertz, bandwidth of PCI Express x16 for graphs and the connectivity of USB 2.0 of ports, Serial ATA, and Safety-Speed of input-output of PCI Express x1. The southbridge of Intel ICH8M provides audio Intel HD and a group of other controllers of input-output.

Here a diagram of reference of the new handset of express chips GM965 (click for the image for a bigger size):

The PM965 express devices a bandwidth devoted of NCV-E x16 for the discrete graphs of nVidia& ATI (now AMD). For more information on DirectX 10 devoted graphs GPUs for the use of book, please refer our articles here for offers of nVidia and this manner for options of ATI.

3. Graphs:

The GM965 express the mobile devices of chipsets a core on board the X3100 accelerator of media of graphs. It is DirectX 10 in conformity and able to satisfy the requests for Windows Vista 'of graphic air interface of S. GMA X3100 fol�tre a frequency of the clock 500MHz and will support material T&L, the model 3.0 of Shader we will have a clear idea of the power and true details once we obtain a book based on the X3100 accelerator of media of graphs in our test laboratories. The stay granted!

4. Network management of cable and without wire

Another important update with Santa Rosa is the incorporation of the module without wire of the bond 4965AGN of Intel WiFi. It provides the flexibility of deployment and the suitability of connectivity by offering the support of mode of quadruple for technologies 802.11a/b/g/Draft-N without wire. It is behind - compatible with the preceding networks of the generation 802.11 a/b/g. Draft-802.11n brings the 5x transfers more quickly without wire and a 2x improvement of range without wire above the current characteristics of the 802.11g generation. Speeds of transfer until 300Mbps can be reached without wire with the module 4965AGN. This chart addition was earlier called Kedron .

Also inserted in the tiddlywinks is family 82566 of the controllers of Ethernet of gigabit for faster LANs of cable.

The 82566DM/MM also supports the virtualizing technology of Intel and the active technology of management better to discover, cure and protect from the systems on the network.

Components of Santa Rosa, ContinuedPart2

5. Technology of Robson:

Also known like memory of Turbo Intel, Intel presents 512MB/1GB of Flash memory of not-and an instantaneous controller on these minis-PCIe chart like option for Intel 'the books based by Santa Rosa of S. This device of material slated to function exclusively with Microsoft Windows Vista to improve of the operations of disc by the use of the devices like ReadyBoost, ReadyDrive and SuperFetch.

The memory of Intel Turbo functions beside your RAM of system 'of S to increase the effectiveness of the transfer of information between the processor and the hard drive. It really lets your book learn your practices to provide a better reaction of system. That 's because it stores the information frequently used close to the processor, where him 's more quickly available. The advantages of the memory of Intel Turbo include:

  • Reduced time of boot. A faster access to initialize-towards the top of the files lets the system start to the top more quickly.
  • Answer improved of application. The data coming from the memory of Intel Turbo instead of the unit from hard drive increase the speed of access.
  • Accelerated loading of application. With rapid access by the processor with information had to launch the latency time of cuts of applications.
  • Saver of energy. Pr�enregistrement of information the time of rotation of hard drive reduces, which saves the power.

1GB of this memory of Intel Turbo would light only your small pocket by approximately $50. Considering the advantages, it is something interesting to add to your called investments the dear books.

6. EFI:

Santa Rosa actuated books are based on the EFI-software package, which is a successor with the traditional BIOS. EFI is an interface which helps the hand in addition to ordering of the system for pre-initialize the environment with one of the operating system. The specifications of EFI in the beginning were developed by Intel, and are now controlled by the unified forum of EFI and are officially known as unified EFI (UEFI). Apple 's INTEL-have actuated use EFI of impers already instead of the BIOS.

That 's it of people, this should be very that you must know Santa Rosa. Now you gained 't you feel like a complete noob while you 'about the glance to buy your next laptop!

The next question is from here obvious, which next?

The road ahead

Intel aligned Montevina like platform of Centrino of fifth-generation like successor with Santa Rosa. Montevina will support Penryn the 'processor based on the technology of 45 nanometer.

One expects that Penryn the �processors do not consume more than the ofpower 29W. Also envisaged is the beginning of SE 4.1 with 47 new additional whole of instruction with SSSE3. Penryn the� processor will be added to the tiddlywinks of Cantiga and the southbridge of ICH9M. A new module without wire called Shiloh east works also below to support WiMAX and 3.5G HSDPA. Montevina the �platform finally could mix with the power-effective DDR2 800MHz SO-DIMM. It will also bring memory 2.0 of Intel Turbo with the Flash memory of not-and greater capacity on board for the additional advantages of execution. Like Santa Rosa, Montevina � is also envisaged in two savours - professional of Montevina and basic principle of Montevina.

Montevina is programmed for a release in the second quarters of 2008.

As they say however - better hour to buy a system is now, thus outside for books based on the pro platform of Centrino Duo and Centrino if you take care to look at 're on the market for a laptop this year. You can 't outward journey badly of par with him!

There is more than 230 pro designs of Centrino Duo and Centrino of the manufacturers of PC, retailers and integrators around the world to work the mines of Santa Rosa. They will come in all the forms and faces from the b�h�moth from the dragons from 20 inches to the TZS ultra-transportable from VAIO. There is of for each one!


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