Conquer the world of the extreme play with the fastest processor of the execution on planet: the edition of end of processor of Intel� Core. i7. � with more quickly, the intelligent technology multinucl�aire which accelerates the execution to match your workload, it provides an incredible opening in the execution of play.
But doesn of execution 'stop of T to the play. You multitask 25 percent faster and to release the incredible numerical creation of media with a visual coding up to 79 percent faster and one returned of up to 46 percent faster of image, plus the incredible execution for the photograph improving and publishing. �
In fact, you will test the maximum execution for that which you do, thanks to the combination of Intel� Turbo amplify the � Hyper-Threading of � of technology and technology of Intel� (technology of HT of Intel�), which activates capacity for treatment completely exactly where and when you need it more.
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