Intel Pentium Dual-Core Processor For Desktop

| Monday, April 20, 2009

Enter the world of the multitasking with the execution of duel-core.

Obtain the capacity for treatment which you have need for multitask easily. Download the music, organize the numerical photographs and the software all of office of race at the same time. The processor of duel-core of Intel Pentium lets to you make extraordinary things with daily calculation.

Increase your options

Two cores of treatment provide the higher execution when multitasking several applications.

Open the effective execution

Appreciate the increased total execution without increasing power, with built in intelligent possibilities of power of Intel.

Enrich your defenses

The processor of Intel Pentium comes with the integrated function carry out the technology of few d�bronchement, which helps the subsistence your safe of PC of the viruses, the worms, and other malevolent attacks.

Maintain it quiet

The technology of Intel SpeedStep makes it possible your system to dynamically adjust the tension of processor and the frequency of core on the power of reduction and the production of heat. Less heat means less noise of ventilator.


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