4x0 chipsets
80486 Chipsets
* 420TX (Saturn)
o Intel's first 80486 chipset. Supported PCI 2.0 and up to 33MHz bus.
* 420EX (Aries)
o 420TX with support for 50MHz bus.
* 420ZX (Saturn II)
o 420TX with higher memory capacity, and PCI spec updated to 2.1.
Pentium Chipsets
* 430LX (Mercury)
o First Pentium chipset, supported EISA in certain configurations. FPM memory, PCI 2.0, and PIO Mode 4.
* 430NX (Neptune)
o Improved version of 430LX, supported up to 512MB of cached memory, lower voltages on Socket 5 motherboards and dual processing. Also supported EISA in certain configurations.
* 430FX (Triton)
o Added EDO support, as well as integrating a disk controller and certain other mainboard level functions.
* 430VX (Triton II)
o Added support for SDRAM and updated PCI spec to 2.1.
* 430HX (Triton II-A)
o 430FX with support for dual processors, PCI 2.1 and higher memory capacity.
* 430MX
o 430FX optimised for use in portable computers.
* 430TX (Triton III)
o 430VX with support for higher RAM densities, also added ATA-33 support.
Pentium Pro/II/III Chipsets
* 450GX (Orion)
o High-end chipset, support for quad processors, but limited to FPM memory.
* 450KX (Mars)
o Dual-processor version of 450GX.
* 440FX (Natoma)
o Dual Pentium Pro, supported EDO and BEDO memory. Also used on early Pentium II motherboards.
* 440LX
o Added support for the AGP bus and SDRAM.
* 440EX/ZX-66
o Cheaper version of 440LX, only supported 3 PCI slots and 256MB memory.
* 440BX
o Supports 100MHz bus and AGP 2x.
* 440GX
o Version of 440BX adapted for workstations. Supports higher memory capacity.
* 450NX
o Server chipset, supported up to quad processors (oct in some configurations), also supported 64-bit PCI.
* 440ZX
o 440EX with support for 100MHz bus.
8xx and Exxxx Chipsets
Pentium II/III Chipsets
* 810 (Whitney)
o Integrated graphics, 133MHz bus and support for ATA 66. Updated PCI Spec to 2.2. No AGP support.
+ Sub-versions:
+ 810L - ATA 33 and only 3 PCI slots.
+ 810E - Added support for ATA 100.
+ 810EP - Supported Tualatin revision Pentium III.
* 820 (Camino)
o Supported Rambus RDRAM, and also supported the Memory Translator Hub which allowed usage of SDRAM. The MTH ended up being recalled due to signal problems. Also supported 133MHz bus and ATA 66.
+ Sub-versions:
+ 820E - Added support for ATA 100.
* 840 (Carmel)
o Workstation version of 820. Also supported SDRAM use with the SDRAM Memory Repeater Hub, but that was never used because of problems with ECC support. Also supported 66MHz PCI slots.
* 815 (Solano)
o 810 with an external AGP slot, and a slightly better graphics core.
+ Sub-versions:
+ 815E - added ATA 100.
+ 815P - Same as 815 but with onboard graphics removed.
+ 815EP - as above, but with ATA 100 support.
+ 815EPT - as above, but with support for Tualatin.
+ 815G - 810E with faster graphics core.
+ 815EG - as above, but with ATA 100 support.
* 830 (Almador)
o Mobile version of 815, designed for use with Pentium III-M.
Pentium 4 Chipsets
* 850 (Tehama)
o Used RDRAM, feature set identical to 815EP.
+ Sub-versions:
+ 850E - Supports 533MHz bus, otherwise identical.
* 860 (Colusa)
o Xeon version of 850. Supports dual-processors and 66Mhz PCI.
* 845 (Brookdale)
o Same feature set as 850, but supports SDRAM (natively, not through an MTH).
+ Sub-versions:
+ 845D - Supports DDR SDRAM up to 266MHz.
+ 845E - As 845D, but with support for 533MHz bus and USB 2.0.
* 845G (Brookdale-G)
o Integrated graphics core, USB 2.0 and 533MHz bus. Officially runs DDR memory at up to 266MHz, but design error allowed stable operation at 333MHz.
+ Sub-versions:
+ 845GE - Official support for 333MHz DDR memory, and slightly faster graphics core. Fixed Hyper-Threading support, which was unstable in early versions of 845G.
+ 845PE - Officially an 845E with support for 333MHz DDR memory. In reality an 845GE with the graphics core removed.
* E7500 (Plumas)
o Similar feature set to 860, but uses dual-channel SDRAM, and has support for PCI-X, but no AGP.
+ Sub-versions:
+ E7501 - Mostly the same as E7500, but with support for 533MHz bus and USB 2.0.
+ E7505 (Placer) - E7501 with AGP 8x.
* E7205 (Granite Bay)
o Workstation chipset, supports AGP 8x and dual-channel SDRAM. Other features are the same as 845PE.
* 875P (Canterwood)
o Similar to E7205, but adds support for 800MHz bus, DDR at 400MHz, Communications Streaming Architecture (CSA), Serial ATA (with RAID in certain configurations) and PAT, a mode deigned to cut down memory latency.
* 865PE (Springdale)
o 875P without PAT, though it was possible to enable PAT in some early revisions. Also lacks ECC Memory support.
+ Sub-versions:
+ 865P - 865PE, but only support 533MHz bus and 333MHz memory.
+ 848P - Single memory channel version of 865PE.
* 865G (Springdale-G)
o 865PE with integrated graphics. PAT never supported in any revisions.
+ Sub-versions:
+ 865GL - 865G without external AGP slot.
Itanium Chipsets
* 460GX
o A 4x0 series chipset in name, but actually uses "expander buses", similar in design to Hub-Link. Supports Quad-Channel 100MHz SDRAM and PCI-X.
* E8870
o Supports 400MHz bus on Itanium 2. Memory interface is natively Quad-Channel 800MHz RDRAM, but uses Memory Repeater Hubs to support DDR memory.
9xx Chipsets
Pentium 4 Chipsets
* 915P (Grantsdale)
o Supports Pentium 4 initially on a 800MHz bus, rising to 1066MHz. Uses DDR memory up to 400MHz, and DDR-II at 533MHz. Replaces AGP and CSA with PCI-Express, and also supports "Matrix RAID", a RAID mode designed to allow the usage of RAID levels 0 and 1 with two hard drives.
* 915G (Grantsdale-G)
o 915P with an integrated graphics core. The core is speculated to be compliant with Vertex and Pixel shader versions 2.0.
* 925X (Alderwood)
o Higher end version of 915. Will presumably support performance enhancements and ECC memory.
80486 Chipsets
* 420TX (Saturn)
o Intel's first 80486 chipset. Supported PCI 2.0 and up to 33MHz bus.
* 420EX (Aries)
o 420TX with support for 50MHz bus.
* 420ZX (Saturn II)
o 420TX with higher memory capacity, and PCI spec updated to 2.1.
Pentium Chipsets
* 430LX (Mercury)
o First Pentium chipset, supported EISA in certain configurations. FPM memory, PCI 2.0, and PIO Mode 4.
* 430NX (Neptune)
o Improved version of 430LX, supported up to 512MB of cached memory, lower voltages on Socket 5 motherboards and dual processing. Also supported EISA in certain configurations.
* 430FX (Triton)
o Added EDO support, as well as integrating a disk controller and certain other mainboard level functions.
* 430VX (Triton II)
o Added support for SDRAM and updated PCI spec to 2.1.
* 430HX (Triton II-A)
o 430FX with support for dual processors, PCI 2.1 and higher memory capacity.
* 430MX
o 430FX optimised for use in portable computers.
* 430TX (Triton III)
o 430VX with support for higher RAM densities, also added ATA-33 support.
Pentium Pro/II/III Chipsets
* 450GX (Orion)
o High-end chipset, support for quad processors, but limited to FPM memory.
* 450KX (Mars)
o Dual-processor version of 450GX.
* 440FX (Natoma)
o Dual Pentium Pro, supported EDO and BEDO memory. Also used on early Pentium II motherboards.
* 440LX
o Added support for the AGP bus and SDRAM.
* 440EX/ZX-66
o Cheaper version of 440LX, only supported 3 PCI slots and 256MB memory.
* 440BX
o Supports 100MHz bus and AGP 2x.
* 440GX
o Version of 440BX adapted for workstations. Supports higher memory capacity.
* 450NX
o Server chipset, supported up to quad processors (oct in some configurations), also supported 64-bit PCI.
* 440ZX
o 440EX with support for 100MHz bus.
8xx and Exxxx Chipsets
Pentium II/III Chipsets
* 810 (Whitney)
o Integrated graphics, 133MHz bus and support for ATA 66. Updated PCI Spec to 2.2. No AGP support.
+ Sub-versions:
+ 810L - ATA 33 and only 3 PCI slots.
+ 810E - Added support for ATA 100.
+ 810EP - Supported Tualatin revision Pentium III.
* 820 (Camino)
o Supported Rambus RDRAM, and also supported the Memory Translator Hub which allowed usage of SDRAM. The MTH ended up being recalled due to signal problems. Also supported 133MHz bus and ATA 66.
+ Sub-versions:
+ 820E - Added support for ATA 100.
* 840 (Carmel)
o Workstation version of 820. Also supported SDRAM use with the SDRAM Memory Repeater Hub, but that was never used because of problems with ECC support. Also supported 66MHz PCI slots.
* 815 (Solano)
o 810 with an external AGP slot, and a slightly better graphics core.
+ Sub-versions:
+ 815E - added ATA 100.
+ 815P - Same as 815 but with onboard graphics removed.
+ 815EP - as above, but with ATA 100 support.
+ 815EPT - as above, but with support for Tualatin.
+ 815G - 810E with faster graphics core.
+ 815EG - as above, but with ATA 100 support.
* 830 (Almador)
o Mobile version of 815, designed for use with Pentium III-M.
Pentium 4 Chipsets
* 850 (Tehama)
o Used RDRAM, feature set identical to 815EP.
+ Sub-versions:
+ 850E - Supports 533MHz bus, otherwise identical.
* 860 (Colusa)
o Xeon version of 850. Supports dual-processors and 66Mhz PCI.
* 845 (Brookdale)
o Same feature set as 850, but supports SDRAM (natively, not through an MTH).
+ Sub-versions:
+ 845D - Supports DDR SDRAM up to 266MHz.
+ 845E - As 845D, but with support for 533MHz bus and USB 2.0.
* 845G (Brookdale-G)
o Integrated graphics core, USB 2.0 and 533MHz bus. Officially runs DDR memory at up to 266MHz, but design error allowed stable operation at 333MHz.
+ Sub-versions:
+ 845GE - Official support for 333MHz DDR memory, and slightly faster graphics core. Fixed Hyper-Threading support, which was unstable in early versions of 845G.
+ 845PE - Officially an 845E with support for 333MHz DDR memory. In reality an 845GE with the graphics core removed.
* E7500 (Plumas)
o Similar feature set to 860, but uses dual-channel SDRAM, and has support for PCI-X, but no AGP.
+ Sub-versions:
+ E7501 - Mostly the same as E7500, but with support for 533MHz bus and USB 2.0.
+ E7505 (Placer) - E7501 with AGP 8x.
* E7205 (Granite Bay)
o Workstation chipset, supports AGP 8x and dual-channel SDRAM. Other features are the same as 845PE.
* 875P (Canterwood)
o Similar to E7205, but adds support for 800MHz bus, DDR at 400MHz, Communications Streaming Architecture (CSA), Serial ATA (with RAID in certain configurations) and PAT, a mode deigned to cut down memory latency.
* 865PE (Springdale)
o 875P without PAT, though it was possible to enable PAT in some early revisions. Also lacks ECC Memory support.
+ Sub-versions:
+ 865P - 865PE, but only support 533MHz bus and 333MHz memory.
+ 848P - Single memory channel version of 865PE.
* 865G (Springdale-G)
o 865PE with integrated graphics. PAT never supported in any revisions.
+ Sub-versions:
+ 865GL - 865G without external AGP slot.
Itanium Chipsets
* 460GX
o A 4x0 series chipset in name, but actually uses "expander buses", similar in design to Hub-Link. Supports Quad-Channel 100MHz SDRAM and PCI-X.
* E8870
o Supports 400MHz bus on Itanium 2. Memory interface is natively Quad-Channel 800MHz RDRAM, but uses Memory Repeater Hubs to support DDR memory.
9xx Chipsets
Pentium 4 Chipsets
* 915P (Grantsdale)
o Supports Pentium 4 initially on a 800MHz bus, rising to 1066MHz. Uses DDR memory up to 400MHz, and DDR-II at 533MHz. Replaces AGP and CSA with PCI-Express, and also supports "Matrix RAID", a RAID mode designed to allow the usage of RAID levels 0 and 1 with two hard drives.
* 915G (Grantsdale-G)
o 915P with an integrated graphics core. The core is speculated to be compliant with Vertex and Pixel shader versions 2.0.
* 925X (Alderwood)
o Higher end version of 915. Will presumably support performance enhancements and ECC memory.
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