With the financial deceleration striking all around the world, computing industries of businesses particularly fight to maintain their profit margins in control. Result there are a heap of low cost and books accessible from the computer manufacturers to maintain their market share. And here well a processor which adapts this tendency. This processor of Intel as well as incorporates both the power the value. These family of processor of Duel-Core of Celeron are released by Intel this January under the Celeron-marked microprocessors of budget.
Number of the T1400 type-----T1500
Mobile core duel of Celeron of family
Frequency (megahertz) 1733 1860
Transport speed (megahertz) 533.533
Package microphone-FCPGA of pin of package 478
Casing P P of casing
Core duel of Celeron against the core duel of Pentium
In practice there is no principal difference between these two processors. The only substantial difference is that the processors duels of core of Celeron are low on L2 the hiding-place C. - with-D. 512KB compared to 1MB.
But this much of the difference is significant because this lack of 512KB of hiding-place will have like consequence the reduction of 10% - of 15% of the execution according to the nature of the application. For example in the event of economic applications it will be 5% - 10% and in the event of intensive application of memory such as the video play and it treating it will be reduction approximately of 15% of execution compared to the processor duel of core of Pentium (with the similar frequencies of clock).
And with your surprise which these processors are belongs to the family of core microphone-architecture of Intel, and all the core basic devices includes.
Some of them are:
Devices of architecture
Technology MX
Additional SE
Carry out the little of d�bronchement (for the protection of virus and malware)
Technology of EM64T (treatment of 64 bits)
Devices of saving in power:
Dig the modes C1/AutoHalt, C1/MWAIT, C2 and C3
Stop the mode of Grant
Mode of sleep
Mode of deep sleep
Basic improvements power of FSB
These processors have the same devices of power-economy as the core containing the microprocessors such as modes of Grant of stop prolonged by HALT prolonged with the increased technology of SpeedStep.
Electric/thermal devices:
V core (v) 0.95 - 1.3
Minimum/maximum operating temperature (�C) 0 - 100
Minimum/maximum power dissipation (W) 7.7 () of mode of sleep profond/56.25 Watts
Thermal power of design (W) 35 Watts
Thus the result is these processors are the great output-cost. When you however put the 'need for T much of power you it need that the additional not very those is for you. Without counting that because I said in the beginning these processors are specifically made for the reduction of the costs. You know that there is a code not written in the world of businesses to reduce the cost to however maintain profit margins. Thus it is right which C. - with-D. the cost of cutting (approximately $30) by sacrificing a little product (less hiding-place) however by maintaining sales and naturally benefit.
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